Our projects seek to take advantage of the latest data science and information management technologies to solve everyday problems by putting technology at the service of commons. Our technological developments enhance connections between people, cover real needs, support decisions for improving quality of life and allow to develop and promote talent.
Portals to connect entrepreneurs with clients
We are developing online portals by incorporating the latest information management technologies to connect entrepreneurs willing to provide services that improve society with potential clients close to them.
Supporting personal and professional time management tools
We are developing tools that allow to manage, integrate, share and optimize the time dedicated to both personal and professional life as a whole by application connection engines based on machine learning technologies that manage and streamline all personal and professional tasks automatically.
Apps for taking over life quality standards comprehensively
We are developing applications that allow to monitor all aspects that affect health, such as air quality, sun exposure, caloric balance, noise pollution, fitness, level of rest and stress comprehensively by using big data technologies together with mobile positioning detectors, atmospheric controls and biorhythm scanners to support personal decisions with the aim of improving the quality of life